Education Loans Need help covering school fees, university expenses, or funding courses as an adult learner? A personal loan can make education more affordable and stress-free! Everyone deserves a little TLC to pursue their dreams! Contact our friendly and experienced...
Keep up-to-date with Tupper News
We’ve got you covered
Everyone needs TLC! At TLC Finance, we're here to offer a helping hand with our debt consolidation loans. Whether it’s to simplify existing finances or to reduce monthly payments, we've got you covered. Experience the friendly face of lending in Jersey. Contact our...
School is out, and the beach is calling
School's out and the beach is calling! Make unforgettable memories with your family this summer. From building sandcastles to enjoying breathtaking sunsets, let the adventures begin. Need a little help making it all happen? With a personal loan, you can make your...
Thinking about Private Lending?
Thinking about Private Lending? With the recent changes to regulations, many are finding Schedule 2 documentation challenging. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry! At TLC, we've partnered with experts who specialise in compliance and can guide you through the...
It could be you
What would you do with it? At TLC Finance, we love to support local charities. The Jersey Hospice MPL takes place on 6th September 2024. We’re giving away a ticket - could 2024 be your year? To enter, you visit one of our Social Media channels: Facebook | Twitter /...
Looking to buy your dream home?
Looking to buy your dream home? Imagine a "hug in a box"—the warmth of family and the security of a new home. Embrace the journey and a future full of new beginnings. Talk to our team about mortgage options - let’s make it happen! Contact our friendly and experienced...
Dive into summer fun
Dive into fun this summer! Enjoy splashes and laughter by the pool with your family. Create unforgettable memories under the sun. Need a little help to make it happen? We’re here to help. With a personal loan, you can turn your dreams into realities. Contact our...
Don’t be overwhelmed by debt
Feeling overwhelmed by a sea of debt? At TLC Finance, we're here to offer a lifeline with our debt consolidation loans. Simplify existing finances and navigate towards financial stability with ease. Experience the friendly face of lending in Jersey. Let us help you...
Make some memories this summer
Make some memories Whether it's a family trip to the beach or a fun-filled adventure off-island, we are here to help make it happen. With our competitive lending options, we can help you enjoy your dream holiday without financial stress. What will you be doing this...
HP to suit your needs
HP to suit your needs At TLC Finance, we're proud to be the friendly face of lending in Jersey, making financial dreams come true across the island and beyond. Our easy and convenient hire purchase options are tailored to suit your needs. Upgrade your car, bike or...
Starting a new business?
New Business Start Up? At TLC Finance, we're proud to support local businesses. Large or small, new or old. Whether you're starting a new business or need a financial boost, we're here to help you succeed with tailored solutions and personal support. Let's make your...
Looking for private lending solutions?
Looking for private lending solutions? Whether you're a borrower seeking funds or a lender needing guidance, we're here for you! We can help you navigate the new legislation with ease and make informed decisions. Unlock the potential of private lending today. Contact...